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Sharpening System

The Lindsay graver sharpening fixture is a quick way to consistently sharpen a 3/32" square graver point accurately. Using templates, the sharpener will grind the patented Uniform-Parallel Point™ in a variety of configurations and it will also produce other points.

If utilizing the diamond bench stones, be sure the surface the templates are placed on is not abrasive. This could cause the edge profile of the templates to wear down. If the four diamond bench stones were purchased as a set a 6 x 6 inch plastic board was included to set the stones and templates on. A piece of glass will also work well.

EngravingSchool.com - Learn About Sharpening

Template - Round Stipple$16.00
Template - Phil Coggan Bulino$21.00
Template - Roland Baptiste gold inlay$27.00
Template - "Universal" 116 degree V Lindsay Uniform-Parallel Heel$24.00